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Giuliano EA
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in veterinary ophthalmology.

Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 34(3): 707-723, 2004
ISSN: 0195-5616 The Veterinary Clinics of North America - Small Animal Practice (PubMed)

Uveitis is a common sequela to many ocular diseases. Primary treatment goals for uveitis should be to halt inflammation, prevent or control complications caused by inflammation, relieve pain, and preserve vision. Systemic and topical NSAIDs are essential components of the pharmaceutic armamentarium currently employed in the management of ocular inflammation by general practitioners and veterinary ophthalmologists worldwide. NSAIDs effectively prevent intraoperative miosis; control postoperative pain and inflammation after intraocular procedures, thus optimizing surgical outcome; control symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis;alleviate pain from various causes of uveitis; and circumvent some of the unwanted side effects that occur with corticosteroid treatment. Systemic NSAID therapy is necessary to treat posterior uveitis, because therapeutic concentrations cannot be attained in the retina and choroid with topical administration alone, and is warranted when diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or systemic infection, preclude the use of systemic corticosteroids. Risk factors have been identified with systemic and topical administration of NSAIDs. In general, ophthalmic NSAIDs may be used safely with other ophthalmic pharmaceutics; however, concurrent use of drugs known to affect the corneal epithelium adversely, such as gentamicin, may lead to increased corneal penetration of the NSAID. The concurrent use of NSAIDs with topical corticosteroids in the face of significant preexisting corneal inflammation has been identified as a risk factor in precipitating corneal erosions and melts in people and should be undertaken with caution[8]. Clinicians should remain vigilant in their screening of ophthalmic and systemic complications secondary to drug therapy and educate owners accordingly. If a sudden increase in patient ocular pain (as manifested by an increase in blepharospasm, photophobia, ocular discharge, or rubbing)is noted, owners should be instructed to contact their veterinarian promptly.

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